Provoking protopias means to me reflecting change. Slowly the world is changing, the fashion industry is changing, and our purpose is changing.
What does Provoking Protopias mean to you and how is that displayed through your collection? Provoking protopias means to me reflecting change. Slowly the world is changing, the fashion industry is changing, and our purpose is changing. The things we do, what we buy, and what we wear reflect the impact of change on us.

What was your inspiration to start working in fashion/textile design? As a kid, I always said I wanted to be a fashion designer, but my true inspiration didn’t come until I went to high school. I went to a uniform school and occasionally we would have “dress down” days when we didn’t have to wear our uniform and those were my days to shine. Not being able to wear what I wanted daily all I looked forward to were those “dress down” days and that's when I really started to appreciate my clothes.
What has been your creative process? My creative process was first thinking of something creative yet personal and true to myself. Denim was the first thing that came to mind. Good denim lasts a lifetime and finding good denim jeans, or a denim jacket is like hitting the jackpot. Then I wanted to connect denim to the fashion industry and the global issue of sustainability. Denim is timeless and never goes out of style and good denim can last a very long time.
What do you hope to have people take away after seeing Provoking Protopias? Many people think of denim as a basic or streetwear item, especially when it's distressed or bleached. I want the audience to see how structural and high-fashion denim actually is.